To say that I did not enjoy ironing when I began sewing would be an understatement. I skipped ironing steps, sewed with only polyester blend fabrics, and even postponed projects if they included too much ironing.

I did not like ironing because I did not know how to do it. Ridiculous right? You just iron out the wrinkles…enough said. Every single time I went to iron my garment or piece of fabric looked EXACTLY the same after ironing as it did before ironing. It was infuriating.
As I watched women sew during sit-n-sews I learned (while trying not to creepily stare) the value of ironing. I also learned the value of good ironing tools. I may or may not have begged for Children’s Corner Store to host an ironing class…I’ll let you know if I can convince anyone to teach one.
Hopefully I can save you some of my heartache by listing my favorite ironing products here. If you have other suggestions please feel free to share them!
The first step to good ironing is, not surprisingly, a good iron. So far my favorite iron is the Rowenta Professional Steam Iron I managed to snag it for a fantastic price ($69.99) during pre-Christmas sales, keep your eye on it and you may get a great deal! It gets insanely hot, has fantastic steaming power, and is heavy enough to help you press out those wrinkles without giving you a workout.
My sewing mentor recently introduced me to these LIFE CHANGING products. This starch
and this magic spray (I don’t know what else to call it…they claim its starch but I’m pretty sure its magic). Both of them are fantastic, even if you’re not a sewist. I have found myself actually enjoying ironing because of them. My garments actually look ironed when I finish, its lovely.
What ironing tips and tricks do you have? Please share them here, on instagram or on facebook, I’m always looking for ways to improve!