Sewing Stories

Inspirism…my new word

The majority of my sewing inspiration comes from my instagram feed. I  often find myself looking at images of boutique brand outfits and trying to figure out what pattern they used to create them. Its a game to test my knowledge of patterns….I’m a sewing nerd…possibly just a nerd.

So I’ve come up with a new term to describe my style of sewing: Inspirism. I    look at dresses made by various companies or individuals, figure out the pattern they used, and improve on their design by using various techniques that I’ve learned or learn to make my dreams reality.

Here is an example of outfit I’ve made using this technique.

This seriously cute jumper can be found on Donodolobaby’s website and at various boutiques.

The adorable jumper seen on the above has been in my Instagram feed for about a month now…Does it get sweeter? I    love the clean/crispness of the white and cream and the pop of embroidery on the belt. After examining as many pictures and videos of this outfit that I    could find I     determined this was a pretty simple pattern with beautiful handwork added for drama.

This immediately made me think of the Children’s Corner Robert pattern I    had completed recently. This pattern is for lined pants but seemed like it could be used as bones for this little jumper.

Not my strongest photographic work but when your child is terrified of Santa…this is what you get!


The major difference between my jumper and the insta inspired one is that my belt is removable and on the same fabric as the skirt itself…I    wanted the belt to come off so that I  could increase the longevity of the outfit. This skirt is lined with added suspenders.

Stay tuned for a tutorial on how to make this sweet jumper!

She refused to take a picture with Santa without me.

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